Monday, December 2, 2019

How to lock your Facebook Profile Privacy Settings

If you are among those people unwittingly over-sharing posts on Facebook. Keeping profile lock settings and also keep your personal information private; then trying below tricks and tips for profile privacy settings.
Facebook Settings and tools for locking profile make it easy for their users. Thus multiple mind people around the world are easily accommodating their profile on their best platform. In other words, these profiles are from different communities and they are together and keep in touch with their defined profile privacy.
The public is sharing their photographs, videos and it is also a great source of information. Similarly, with over a billion people, it is the most famous services around the world and you can’t ignore.

How to make lock your Facebook Profile Privacy Settings

Keep your online privacy, especially on social media, is tricky and to review from it from all perspective view. Such as view as public, as friends, and other different privacy circles. For instance, you want to share information with friends, but keep yourself hide to the world and do not want to open yourself. And you want to keep save your identity and some level of security from the hackers or thieves. But even Mark Zuckerberg is not safe to those with malicious intent.
However, you can do a few tweaks, to save your privacy on the social network. Therefore, just follow these below steps are directions to protect your privacy stating in different steps.

Steps to Lock Down Facebook Profile Privacy Settings

The following are the steps for your guide; how to lock down your Facebook Profile from the users or friends and public community.

Step# 1 Lockdown your Profile

To keep your profile private and protect your personal information private rather than public
  1. Click the Drop-down Arrow
  2. Select the Settings and click the Privacy
  3. Look for the Who can see your future post
  4. Go to the Drop-down menu select Friends rather than Public
  5. Select the Only Me option to in case if you want to private everything

Click drop-down Arrow and Settings

Privacy Settings and Select Friends or Only Me

Step# 2 Limit Who Can See Old Posts

In case you set your account to private, so still, old posts may be public
  1. Who can see Your Activity you need search for the Limit the audience for old posts on your Timeline you have shared with friends of friends or Public and click the Limit Past Post link
  2. Click Old Posts in the expand menu
  3.  In the warning, box click the Confirm option

Limit Who Can See Old Posts

Step# 3 Post to selected Friends

There is a possibility to make Facebook status updates, but stop who can see them on a post-by-post basis.
  1. You are going to post then post click the Update Status
  2. Click the Drop-down arrow next to Friends option
  3. Select More Options and click the Custom
  4. You will see Custom privacy entitled pop-up box
  5. Share this with click next to friends a small blue cross to remove it
  6. Enter the Name of friends you to share the post with
  7. Choose Friends from the suggestions
  8. Click the Save Changes to save it
  9. If you want to post to Everyone select friends from the drop-down

Step# 4 To Hide Your Age

No one wants to show publicly their date of birth on Facebook – either security or personal reasons.
  1. Log in to Facebook and click the Edit Profile
  2. Click the About option in the middle of the FB page
  3. Select the Contact and Basic Info
  4. See the Date of Birth under Basic Information
  5. Hover the mouse over the Date of Birth and click Edit option
  6. In the drop-down menu choose the Custom option between Only MeFriends except for acquaintances, Friends, and Public to make it select the Friends or Only Me.
  7. Click Save Changes and Keep your age to yourself.

To Hide Your Age

Step# 5 Relationship Status

Most of the users do not want to share their current relationship status private.
  1. Go the About section from tip four
  2. Click Family and Relationships from the options
  3. From the drop-down select a Horizontal line at the top of dozen options

Relationship Status

Step# 6 Hide Your Friend List

Some of the users want to keep their Friend list private. In other words, visitor on your profile will not see your friends list.
  1. Click on your name at the top menu bar
  2. You will see an option for About, Friends, Timeline, Photos, and More, click the Friends near to Find Friends option
  3. Click the Pencil and select the Edit privacy option.
  4. Under Friend list in the Edit, Privacy box select Only Me from the drop-down list
  5. The following option to keep this private select it to Only Me as well.

Hide Your Friend List

Edit Privacy and Friend List

Step# 7 Limit your Friend request

If you want to stop getting a request from stranger people on Facebook. Following the limit settings of friend request to stop friend requests.
  1. Click the Drop-down arrow
  2. Select the Settings option
  3. Click the Privacy option
  4. Select Friends of friends under Who can contact me?
  5. Simply click the Ignore option

Limit Your Friend Request for Profile Privacy

Step# 8 Blocking Users

This is the best option in Facebook to block someone if you do not want him to befriend anymore. In other words, there is no more interaction of anything with a block user list.
  1. Click the Drop-down arrow
  2. Select the Settings from the menu
  3. Click Blocking under settings
  4. Under blocking user enter the Name of a person and click the Block
  5. Select the user from the Suggestions friends and Click the Block

Blocking Users for Profile Privacy

Click the Block Option and Profile Privacy

Step# 9 Remove your Location Information

When you are going to post on Facebook then sometimes suggests you a location. Skip this option because it means all the users known where you are.
  1. Find the Offending post
  2. Select the Down arrow and click Edit Post
  3. At the bottom click the Location pin
  4. Next, to the location click on the Cross to remove the location

Remove Your Location & Profile Privacy

Step# 10 Keep your photos private

If you have a Facebook account for years, it means you have a lot of photos and you might not want everyone to see. However, if you select chose to limit old Posts (Tip B above) only visible to your friends, but you still may want to invisible individual photos.
  1. Click on your Name
  2. Select Your Photos
  3. Hover the mouse over the photo you want to hide, select the Picon and click the Hide from Timeline.
  4. Hover the mouse over the photo you want to hide, select the Pencil icon and click Delete this photo to remove it.

Keep Your Photo Hide

Delete or Remove your photo Profile Privacy

Step# 11 Events

Facebook is very good to organize events. In addition, you can invite different users, make an update and they can easily decline or accept
  1. Click Home option
  2. Select the Events to show you events which you have been invited and popular to your network
  3. Click the +Create option to invite people
  4. Click the Privacy from the drop-down menu
  5. Select the Invitation-only or Guests can invite Friends is the safest option and so those people will be only able to invite to attend or click on the Page.

Create an Event and Select the Invitation Only Profile Privacy
So finally your Facebook Profile will be lockdown to the users as per the above steps and make changes in your profile setting to keep your privacy with friends. However, it’s up to you which items in above steps showing to whom and hiding from someone or publically not exposing them.


In conclusion, the user has all the option available to enhance personal customization. For instance, all the privacy settings to define preventing personal profile based on all available options. However, all settings are open to change anytime. Moreover, you need to understand the available settings. After that, draw a circle line in terms of privacy and configure the privacy settings accordingly.